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By Martin Atkins 10/9/98
revision 0.1

Diddling is the name given to changing/improving original ascii art posted to the newsgroup. The diddled picture is usually gratefully accepted by the original artist, except in the following circumstances:

Diddling can be a lot of fun for many people, but it is easy for someone to go and spoil it for everybody. Here is a great example of how diddling can make stunning pictures that are the product of many artists:

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Improvements by:
Ilmari Karonen - Tricky bit where tops of walls meet moat
Shimrod - Turret 'wells', front battlements, ladder, shading
Veronica Karlsson - Moat and drawbridge
Jonathan Wilson - Arch entrances to turrets
Andreas Freise - Horse

This is Henry Segerman's perspective castle. This finished product was the product of many diddles and suggestions from a variety of artists, all of which are credited at the bottom.

This is the where a problem arisies: How much change is required before your initals can be added or even replace the creator's initals? I`m afraid this is up to your own personal judgement.