Subject: Contest! Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 08:22:32 +0200 From: Veronica Karlsson Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art, alt.romath alt.ascii-art seems to be suffering from a little summer holiday emptiness and could use some more action. alt.romath contains plenty of action, and an appreciation for ascii art. My idea: A friendly little sig making contest. 1. The sig has to be *new*. Any pictures in the sig must be *new*. 2. The sig has to be "pure ascii", i.e. characters 32-126 (plus newlines, of course). Here's the table of allowed characters: | 32 SP | 33 ! | 34 " | 35 # | 36 $ | 37 % | 38 & | 39 ' | | 40 ( | 41 ) | 42 * | 43 + | 44 , | 45 - | 46 . | 47 / | | 48 0 | 49 1 | 50 2 | 51 3 | 52 4 | 53 5 | 54 6 | 55 7 | | 56 8 | 57 9 | 58 : | 59 ; | 60 < | 61 = | 62 > | 63 ? | | 64 @ | 65 A | 66 B | 67 C | 68 D | 69 E | 70 F | 71 G | | 72 H | 73 I | 74 J | 75 K | 76 L | 77 M | 78 N | 79 O | | 80 P | 81 Q | 82 R | 83 S | 84 T | 85 U | 86 V | 87 W | | 88 X | 89 Y | 90 Z | 91 [ | 92 \ | 93 ] | 94 ^ | 95 _ | | 96 ` | 97 a | 98 b | 99 c |100 d |101 e |102 f |103 g | |104 h |105 i |106 j |107 k |108 l |109 m |110 n |111 o | |112 p |113 q |114 r |115 s |116 t |117 u |118 v |119 w | |120 x |121 y |122 z |123 { |124 | |125 } |126 ~ | | A sig containing one or more characters not listed in the table above will be automatically disqualified. For more info about alt.ascii-art and ascii art, see the FAQ: 3. The sig may contain some Figletised element, but sigs that consist of nothing but a quick copy-paste from Figlet won't rank high. The sig may contain some converted material but sigs that consist of nothing but a quick copy-paste from a converter won't rank high. 4. Size requirements There are three classes: Politically Correct: Max four lines high, Max 72 columns wide. Acceptable if Good: Max ten lines high, Max 80 columns wide. Troll Sig!!1!: No size limits. 5. Judge: Veronica Karlsson 6. Prices Politically Correct: The honour of having won. Acceptable if Good: The honour of having won. Troll Sig!!1!: I'll think of something... 7. Time and place Time: The rest of the week (where the "hard limit" is set by [whatever the time zone Sweden is in is called...]). Place: alt.ascii-art (crossposted entries will be automatically disqualified) I will put info and stuff here: 8. Correct format for a competition entry. A correct competition entry should have a "message body" consisting of this little form, filled in: +--------------------------------------+ | Sig Competition Entry | +--------------------------------------+ | Your name: | | | | Which newsgroup do you "come from"? | | [ ] alt.ascii-art | | [ ] alt.romath | | | | Which class is the sig competing in? | | [ ] Politically Correct | | [ ] Acceptable if Good | | [ ] Troll Sig!!1! | +--------------------------------------+ Followed by the sig. 9. Other stuff Romathians: Behave! alt.ascii-art is an old-fashioned newsgroup and it is polite to read the ascii art FAQ before posting away. Here's the URL to the FAQ again: ASCII artists: Be aware of that some of the Romatians are trolls and like to tease people. Watch out for weird crossposts and try to ignore insults and other troll-bait. As always, diddles are welcome, but it is the original version of the sig that will be judged in the competition. -- (, /|__--__ . __--__ |\ '__ /|\ _{ _ `.' / `.,_ _________ | _________ _,.' (/ `. / ||``._.' ASCII ART CHAT! `---'|:||,/ .' /| /|:| \ .' /\ \ __ __ _ `/|'\' ` `,/ /`,\ \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _ /,'\ \ .'.' /| \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` | |\ `.`. ,' / / | \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_| | \ \ `, - `- -- `-'- -ejm-------------------------------------VK-- -`-' -- -' -