Reason for disqualification: crossposted Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art, alt.romath +--------------------------------------+ | Sig Competition Entry | +--------------------------------------+ | Your name: Soque (Enjoque) Pupette | | | | Which newsgroup do you "come from"? | | [ ] alt.ascii-art | | [X] alt.romath | | | | Which class is the sig competing in? | | [X] Politically Correct | | [ ] Acceptable if Good | | [ ] Troll Sig!!1! | +--------------------------------------+ -- The Romathian Ladies ,,, ) ICQ 16913842 ( Soque O/ Anarchist Club and .-CC ( ) DALnet <| Terrorist Society ; > ) spupette@ ( IRC / > BoyToy[X] \ - ----===\/ ) -- . --- .-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reason for disqualification: old picture +--------------------------------------+ | Sig Competition Entry | +--------------------------------------+ | Your name: Geraldine Jones | | | | Which newsgroup do you "come from"? | | [x] alt.ascii-art | | [ ] alt.romath | | | | Which class is the sig competing in? | | [ ] Politically Correct | | [x] Acceptable if Good | | [ ] Troll Sig!!1! | +--------------------------------------+ ============================================================= Geraldine Jones /~,) I'm just ((,,,,( ~~<= quacking \~~~~~~~) along... ====================================~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===========