alt.ascii-art chat

When the cat is away... the rats play card games!

brojek [email] 10 Mar. 15:59, from:, black/white
Hello David :)

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 15:59, from:, blue
VK >> sorry.

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:03, from:, blue
brojek >> How are you?

brojek [email] 10 Mar. 16:10, from:, black/white

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:11, from:, blue
1. Thoroughly clean the toilet.

2. Add the required amount of shampoo to the toilet water

3. Obtain the cat and carry him to the bathroom.

4. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet  and close both
   lids (you may need to stand on the lid so that he cannot escape).

CAUTION: Do not get any part of your body too close to the edge,
         as his paws will be reaching out for anything he can find.

5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power wash
   and rinse" which I have found to be quite effective.

6. Have someone open the door to the outside and ensure that there
   are no people between the toilet and the outside door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

8. The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run outside
   where he will dry himself.

brojek [email] 10 Mar. 16:12, from:, black/white
David: I'm OK. very well. fantastic. even better!


llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:22, from:, blue

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:22, from:, blue
 (  "  )

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:23, from:, blue
llizard >> Hi! *BIG HUG*

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:24, from:, blue
Oh this is too much happiness. Hello brojek and david!

^^%--- ha
"  \ ha   David, I hope you will illustrate that cat washing method.

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:24, from:, orange
      __,-; ,'( '/           [Shimrod comes flying into the chat]
\.    `-.__`-._`:_,-._
 `:-._,------' ` _,`--`
hh  `---..__,,--'       Hey all!

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:25, from:, blue
David; we meet at last. I have been remiss in not replying to your
e-mail but I knew somehow that this day would arrive eventually

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:25, from:, orange
Wow! Three whole people here!

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:25, from:, green
Shimrod >> Hi!

Thornn [email] 10 Mar. 16:25, from:, purple
Bouncing through the back door...*boing*boing*boing*

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:26, from:, blue
and now shimrod too!! Hello

If I'd known, I'd have hired a band and baked a [forbidden substance]

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:26, from:, green
llizard >> What do you think of my proposition?

Thornn [email] 10 Mar. 16:26, from:, purple
llizard, Shimrod, David, brojek~heya! :D

Adam [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:27, from:, blue

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:27, from:, blue
         \,^@@---        _         |
         <    \  \    / / \ \    / |
         <\/      \/\/  \_/  \/\/  .
ejm      //      now Thornn too! Hello

Is this room large enough for all of us?

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:27, from:, blue
What???? Hello Adam. (wait a minute......)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:27, from:, orange
And Thornn! And Adam. Wow!

Hi guys!

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:28, from:, orange
I cannot recall any other time EVER, that there were 6 people here :)

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:29, from:, blue
Adam, are you using the same computer as Thornn? And blue IS a very
nice colour, isn't it?

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:29, from:, green
All >> Party time - I'll get the beer :)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:29, from:, orange
Poor VK! She's probably in bed feeling very sick, while missing the
largest group of people in the chat ever...

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:30, from:, blue
David; your proposition?

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:31, from:, orange
Yes, why does everyone always take blue? orange is nice! :)

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:31, from:, blue
shimrod; That's true. Let's have a moment of silence.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:32, from:, blue
shimrod; orange is vile. (although oranges are very nice.)

Do you think we can safely open the champagne now?

Adam [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:33, from:, blue
blue is good....nope we'reusing different computers

Thornn [email] 10 Mar. 16:33, from:, purple
llizard~Adam and I are in the same CS class. :D

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:34, from:, orange
David>> Great idea! I'll get some pretzels and such!

 _ _   _ _   _ _   _ _   _ _   _ _  
( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X ) ( X )  
 `-'   `-'   `-'   `-'   `-'   `-'

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:34, from:, turquoise
Adam; I will change to turquoise then.

Thornn; that would explain the similar computer numbers beside your

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:35, from:, green
llizard >> I proposed a collaboration. Oh, and by the way if you look
at the buffer you'll see I had blue first.

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:35, from:, orange
llizard>> Orange is vile? Why? It's the dutch national color! :)
You can open the champagne, just don't make it pop, or the noise
might wake up poor VK.

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:36, from:, green
                |    |                 
                |    |                 
                |    |                 
                (    )                 
                )    (                 
              .'      `.               
             /          \              
            |JACK DANIELS|             
            |    ----    |             
            |   (No.7)   |             
            |    ----    |             
            | Tennessee  |             
            |  WHISKEY   |             
            |  40% Vol.  |             

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:36, from:, turquoise
I'll supply the champagne
        *       *       []
         _*    *_       ||
        |*|    |*|      ||
        |_|    |_|     |  |
        \*/    \*/     |__|
ejm      |      |      | *|
        _|_    _|_     |__|   =(}

      *          *   *
    *          *  *
        *__    _*_
        \*/    \*/
ejm      Y      Y
        _|_    _|_

and/or soda
        *       *       []
         _*    *_       )(
        |_|    |_|     (* )
        \*/    \*/     |_*|
ejm 97  _|_    _|_     |__|

Thornn [email] 10 Mar. 16:37, from:, purple
brojek~Thereason the chess game is so "funny" is that we're playing Extinction Chess :D

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:37, from:, orange
David>> Hmmm Whisky! Even better!

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:37, from:, turquoise
David; I saw that you were doing collaborations. I didn't realize
you were suggesting one.

Adam [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:38, from:, blue
1. g4   g6
2. h3   e5
3. c3   d5
4. b4   Nc6
5. Nf3
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|R|N|B|Q|K|B| |R|

Thornn,your move....

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:38, from:, turquoise
David; I don't suppose you have any single malt... (I'm a snob when
it comes to whiskey/y

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:39, from:, turquoise
David; I'm using a nonCSS browser so I only see the names of the colours.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:40, from:, turquoise
David; what sort of collaboration did you have in mind? Our styles are
sooooo different.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:40, from:, turquoise
Thornn; extinction chess??

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:41, from:, orange
 ___  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 |_| |p|p|p|_|_|p|_|p| |``-.._.______ 
     |_|_|n|_|_|_|p|_| |-------------|
     |_|_|_|p|p|_|_|_| |[9:23] [8:46]|
     |_|P|_|_|_|_|P|_| |_____________|
     |_|_|P|_|_|N|_|P|   ___
     |P|_|_|P|P|P|_|_|  (~~~)
     |R|N|B|Q|K|B| |R|   |_|

Note: I haven't moved, I've just provided the clock and the free drinks.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:42, from:, turquoise
all this talk of forbidden substances reminds me that I have not
yet ingested any today (even though I have been more or less awake for
over 3 hours. I am going foraging....

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:43, from:, turquoise
Shimrod; Silly me. I thought those were nuclear bombs for the extinction

Thornn [email] 10 Mar. 16:43, from:, purple
1. g4   g6
2. h3   e5
3. c3   d5
4. b4   Nc6
5. Nf3  Nf6
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
|R|N|B|Q|K|B| |R|

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:44, from:, turquoise
Shimrod; whose game is that? Thornn's and Adam's?

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:44, from:, green
llizard >> Sorry, I didn't mean anything by the colour thing :)
I just re-read my email and realise that I cut a part out when I
proof read before sending.

Thornn [email] 10 Mar. 16:44, from:, purple
llizard~I don't have time to explain...
I'll also email you. :D

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:46, from:, green
Thornn>> Ooops! I seem to have kicked the board.
I hope you remember where all the pieces were.

|r|_| |q| | |_| |
|p| | |_|_|p|_|p| p       p
|_|_|n|_|_|n|p|_|    b
|_|_|_|p|p|_|_|_|       r
|_|P|_|_|_|_|P|_| k
|_|_|P|_|_|N|_|P|      R     b
|P|_|_|P|P| |_|_|   P
|R|N|B|Q|K|B| | |

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:48, from:, orange
llizard>> Yep, I'm not playing (I know the rules, but that's about it.
I wouldn't mind a game of Go though...

|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |  ,=.  |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |  `='  |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

Anyone care to answer?

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:49, from:, green
Shimrod >> Playing GO? What would Lemmy think?

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:49, from:, orange
Thornn>> Bye!

The large amount of visitors didn't last very long :(

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:49, from:, orange
David>> Lemmy?

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:50, from:, orange
Oops. I made the board one line too wide.

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:51, from:, green
Shimrod >> My mistake. It was Ojoshiro who asked about Lemmy :(

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:53, from:, orange

Here's a nuke for the extinction chess:

|\ ,-'"""`-._
 >X   NUKE  _]
|/ `-.___,-'

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:53, from:, turquoise
Shirmod; I don't know how to play GO. (I barely know how to play Chess.)

David; No worries about the colour. I didn't think you meant
anything mean.

Thornn; gone already???

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:53, from:, orange
David>> I see. I still don't get it though :)

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:54, from:, turquoise
Shimrod; That looks like a fish. And I was just about to say that
I also know how to play the card game "Fish"

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:54, from:, orange
llizard>> Go is played on a grid, where players alternate putting
black and white pieces in the grid intersections. (That's almost all the rules too :)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:55, from:, orange
llizard>> I've never heard of a card game called fish. How does it work?

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 16:55, from:, green
Shimrod >> My mistake. It was Ojoshiro who asked about Lemmy :(

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:55, from:, turquoise
Shimrod; It sounds a bit like Othello.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 16:56, from:, turquoise

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 16:58, from:, orange
I do know poker....

|A   ||K   ||Q   ||J   ||10  |
| /\ || /\ || /\ || /\ || /\ |
| \/ || \/ || \/ || \/ || \/ |
|   A||   H||   Q||   J||  10|

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:00, from:, orange
llizard>> As requested:


David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 17:00, from:, green

   An Illegal Operation 0E has occured at the address 000000EEEF:98EE8F1    
   in module VMM32.VXD:USER.DLL. Your program has stopped responding.

    * Hit CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart the computer. Your program will be
      closed and you will loose any unsaved information.
    * You can hit Enter to try continue with the program

                      Press Any Key to Continue

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:00, from:, orange
llizard>> True, it's played sortof like othello, but different :)

David [email] [home] 10 Mar. 17:01, from:, green
* gone *

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:01, from:, orange
David>> Hmm, you should've switched to blue for that :)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:01, from:, orange
David>> Bye!

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:04, from:, orange

,o"   `-. /|
>  NUKE  X (
`-.___,-' \|

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:06, from:, turquoise
shimrod; I'm back. But it's been years since I played Othello. I
seem to recall reversing the tiles from black to white.

Fish is a very lame children's game that involves dealing 7 cards to
each person and dumping the rest face down into the centre of the 

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:08, from:, turquoise
David; I hope it wasn't anything I said!   Bye!

Shimrod; and then people take turns saying "do you have any 6's" and
collecting cards from various people. If nobody has any 6's the
petitioner is told to "fish" and dips into the center pile to take
a card (I'm not explaining it very well 
- I think it might be called "happy families" in England)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:08, from:, orange
llizard>> Go is a bit more complicated than othello (the rules are not,
but the strategy involved is *far* more complicated then chess)

Childrens games can be quite fun. That is, once you've had enough alcohol :/

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:09, from:, blue
shimrod; I will switch back to blue

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:10, from:, blue
Shimrod; one has to have A LOT of alcohol to have fun playing "fish"

GO sounds like the sort of game I would like.

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:11, from:, orange
llizard>> Hey, I remember the video to the song "Scooby Snacks", by the
"Fun Loving Criminals", where they're playing cards. On guy says
"Go fish", so the other guy draws a card from the pile on the table,
shows it to the first guy and says "Got my wish". Now I finally know
what that's about! :)

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:11, from:, blue
Shimrod; "Fish" is only fractionally better than "52 Pickup"

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:12, from:, blue
Shimrod; There you go. And it was probably driving you mad until this
very moment.  hahahaahaha >%^7^^^7^^

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:12, from:, orange
llizard>> Go is a lot of fun. Due to the simple rules, anyone can learn
in 5 minutes. And there's a handicap system where the weaker player
get's some extra pieces ahead. That way players of different strengths
can play and still have a good game.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:13, from:, blue
Shimrod; I also know poker but am collossally bad at it.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:14, from:, blue
Shimrod; that sounds like a very good plan. It really does sound like
my sort of game.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:14, from:, blue
Shimrod; If you tell me the rules, I'd try to play....

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:16, from:, orange
llizard>> Hmm, actually it had completely left my mind until your
description reminded me of it :)

I'm a big fan of simple cardgames, but the ones I play are usually
played with their own specific set of cards (not with a normal deck)
Most games like that can be played very well by large groups of
people, and since they don't require a lot of thought, one can nicely
drink some beer with them :)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:19, from:, orange
llizard>> OK. Wait, maybe it's easier if I just give you a URL of a
page with the rules? That would save me some typing :)

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:19, from:, blue
^^%---  ha
"  \  ha  then Fish might be just the right sort of mindless game
          for your crowd. Although "Crazy Eights" is a little
          better for the beer drinking types.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:20, from:, blue
Shimrod; that would probably be easier. I thought momentarily of doing
a search but got scared by the number of wrong hits I'd get because of
the name of the game.

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:21, from:, orange
Hmm, try:

And the you just keep clicking on the link at the bottom
to go to the next rule.

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:21, from:, orange
Crazy Eights? What's that?

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:22, from:, blue
Shimrod; I hardly play card games anymore. There are a few trick
taking games that I play (not "Bridge" brrrrrr oh my no, THAT requires
too much thought) that involve gradually reducing the deck and changing
trump and secretly declaring how many tricks one will win, with huge
penalties if one doesn't win the exact number declared....

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:23, from:, orange
Hmm, that reminds me, I'm also gonna play cards this evening. We'll
be playing a game called 'klaverjassen', which is actually a cardgame
involving some strategy (nowhere near Bridge though)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:24, from:, orange
llizard>> I know the kind of game you mean. Games like that can be a
lot of fun (I've played them for money (cents, nothing big), where
higher bids earn more, but also lose you more when you don't make
your bid)

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:25, from:, blue
Shimrod; another game I haven't played in years. Let me see if I can 
find the rules for it. All I remember is that it is a bit like
rummy (sort of...)  and that 8s are somehow wild but
there are a number of other wild cards too. The rules are simple in
a complex sort of way and the game is perfectly suited to largish crowds
of not quite sober people.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:27, from:, blue
Shimrod; I don't know why; but I'm extremely fond of card games that
penalize the loser more and more mercilessly. There's a three person
game that we used to play a lot (9 5 2) that was virtually impossible
to pull out of a losing streak

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:29, from:, blue
Shimrod; I will have to study the Go rules before we can play. It
seems to me that you will run out of time here soon. Perhaps we will
get to play the next time you are here.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:31, from:, blue

I know that when we played "crazy eights", virtually every card had
a meaning. It was quite confusing! (but fun in a perverse sort
of way.)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:32, from:, orange
llizard>> :) I also know a game called 'The Great Dalmuti', where the
losers of the last game have to give their best cards to the winners
of the last game, thereby increasing the chances that they'll lose
again, and increasing the winners chance of winning again. Lot's of
fun :)  (The complete loser of the last game has to deal the cards
and stuff too)

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:36, from:, orange
Hey, I know that game! It's called 'pesten' here, which translates to
'teasing' in english. (Which is because you can play cards that force
other people to take cards from the stock)

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:36, from:, blue
Shimrod; Okay, I think I understand how GO works. (I think)

I'm just making a board....


llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:37, from:, blue
Shimrod; The Great Dalmuti sounds similar to 9-5-2 which is also 
called "Oh Hell"

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:39, from:, orange
How about this:

. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . @ . O . @ . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . @ . . . @ . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . @ . . . @ . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .

where you play black @ and I play white O
I've given you a head start of 6 stones, and I've made my first move.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:39, from:, blue
Shimrod; I invite you to be black:  @
  I'll be white: 0


Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:40, from:, orange
llizard>> Drat, I totally forgot the time. I have to go now :(

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:41, from:, orange
llizard>> We'll play a game some other time.


*going once*

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:41, from:, blue
Shimrod; Is there a limit to the number of stones that I have on the
side? (I didn't read EVERYTHING...)

. . . . . . . . .
. . . @ . . . . .
. . @ . O . @ . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . @ . . . @ . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . @ . . . @ . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:42, from:, blue
Shimrod; I suspected as much...  Next time then Bye!! Have fun
card playing and beer swigging.

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:42, from:, orange
llizard>> There is a limit actually, which is 9 stones on a 19x19 board.

*going twice*

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:43, from:, blue
Shimrod; It will give me a chance to actually read the rules properly.

Shimrod [email] 10 Mar. 17:43, from:, orange
llizard>> Have a good weekend!


llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:43, from:, blue
Shimrod; I'll read to find out if captured stones are converted to a
different colour.

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:44, from:, blue
Shimrod; same to you! Bye!

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:45, from:, blue
brojek; Have you also gone? I missed seeing the exits of some people
in that flurry of 6 people here at once. I too must stop all this

llizard [home] 10 Mar. 17:46, from:, blue
brojek; I will return later.  Ciao niao

VK; If you are here reading this, I hope you are completely better. If
not, go home. Go directly home. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

(in short, get better soon!)


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