Frequently seen people in the ascii art chat in 20000

VK [email] [home]

  ||. .||    My name is Veronica Karlsson.
 |||\=/|||   I'm the creator and owner of the chat.    _
 |.-- --.|                                           .'_`--.___   __
 /(.) (.)\   According to Krogg I'm "the glue that  ( 'o`   - .`.'_ )
 \ ) . ( /   keeps the chat together".               `-._      `_`./_
 '(  v  )`                                             '/\\    ( .'/ )
   \ | /                                              ,__//`---'`-'_/
   ( | )                                               /-'        '/
__ '- -` ________________________________________________________ ' __

llizard [email] [home]

  / |
|  __  __  |
| |  ||  | |
| |  ||  | |
| |__||__| |^%---
|  __  __()|  \  "Hel-l-llo-o-ooooo, anyone here???"
| |  ||  | +`
| |  ||  | |      is a common phrase from me as
| |  ||  | |      I come in to the inevitably empty chatroom,
| |__||__| |      wondering every time if anyone will come
|_ejm______|      to put me out of my misery of talking to myself.
                  Computer rationing is constantly being imposed
                  on me - usually JUST before someone finally enters
                  the room.

brojek [email] [home]

  _ /             Hi there! I'm always here but I never post.
 | /o   \         My favourite entertainment is to tease the
  /o'". /         Allmighty Chat Owner -- Veronica the Best.
\/_` -'#_/\-'     But don't try that yourself at home!

Shimrod [email] [home]

  <]   O -. To be on Veronica's chat or     /Shimrod\___________________
  ==_._/\    not to be on Veronica's chat,  |             Herman Hiddema
T"""T  _/|    that is the question.         |
|   | /| |  I can say: "I was there!"       |

msh210 [email] [home]

David [email] [home]

|         #####                                              |
|        #### _\_         Hello! My name is David Palmer.    |
|        ##=-[.].]   :::  I live in Northern England with    |
|        #(    _\   `'_:  my wife and four sons. I'm old     |
|         #  \__|    | |  enough to remember when the        |
|          \___/     | |  Beatles had records in the         |
|         .'   `-----' |  charts but young enough to enjoy   |
|       ( )     ,------'  Green Day and Offspring.           |
|       | |     |         I discovered ASCII Art in Oct '98  |
|       | |     |         and have been hooked ever since.   |
|       | |     |         If you visit my website you'll     |
|       |_|==o=={         see some of my recent work.        |
|       :..     |                                            |
`-------'''  Y-----------------------------------------------'

Thornn [email] [home]

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email: (alt. comment form)
Main page:
Sections:   [misc.] [pictures] [chat] [java games] [links]