alt.ascii-art chat

(Last lifesign: 6 Oct. 21:48, from: , Current time: 6 Oct. 21:48)

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:04, from:, red

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:06, from:, black
              The boss uses IE4, Dear. The bastard's too lazy
               to bother looking around for anything better
                or more modern, or even care if there is 
                 such a thing!  And don't trust him!  He
                  probably wouldn't have let you use his
                   flamethrower, anyway.  But he might
                     Email DDT at you, so watch out!
                       Never tell him you got bugs.
                        He catchs them, and feeds
                         them to his pet turtles.
                                     \ \__/

Lurking creature 6 Oct. 21:07, from:, orange

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:08, from:, red
JRO >> Get out that flame thrower! There's a bug in your message!

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:09, from:, black
        (oo)  Does your mother know you
       //~~\\ make pictures like that?

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:11, from:, red
JRO >> That strange guy who keeps changing names, but they all contain
the word "creature" is really called "FS".

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:13, from:, black
      \__/     I'm going to take a seat,
      (oo)     if you don't mind... How 
     //~~\\/)  is school treating you?
   __\\__/\/____ When will you be all
     /^/\^\          finished?
     \ \/ /

Bad bad creature 6 Oct. 21:13, from:, orange
JRO >> I didn't make that picture, I just found a use for it...
(Somebody should never have showed me the dirty archives)

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:14, from:, red
JRO >> Me? Finish school? *Uhrrrm* Next question please!
(it is easier to chat if you start your messages with a note of who
you are talking to...)

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:15, from:, red
FS >> :D:D:D::D  (You are quite good at making your own dirty pictures...)

Clueless creature 6 Oct. 21:16, from:, orange
VK >> What dirty picture have _I_ made?

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:17, from:, red
FS >> "never moon..."

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:17, from:, black
   \__/    Isn't he sure of his own name?
   (oo)     Well, if I was a creature, I
  //~~\\   might want to appear anonymous,
 //\__/\\   too.  It might scare the girls
""/^/\^\""-----  off, otherwise.
  \ \/ /

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:17, from:, red
FS >> Nude self portrait..

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:18, from:, red
JRO >> His name is Fredrik Sundquist. He usually calls himself "FS"
here. Right now he's teasing me or something...

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:19, from:, red
JRO >> Do you draw those aliens here-and-now or do you copy-and-paste
them from an archive of some kind?

Clueless creature 6 Oct. 21:19, from:, orange
VK >> I wouldn't call the moon picture "dirty" and concerning the self
portrait, can you identify any parts that wouldn't be accepted in
American TV?

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:21, from:, red
FS >> Maija did ask for a NUDE self portrait of you... and then there's
the one with "two falukorv"...

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:21, from:, black
(\ \__/      Okay, Darling.  The boss is just getting used
 \\(oo)      to this.  I guess you can tell who he's talking
  \\~~\\     to now, huh?
  \ \/ /        .... Dirty archives?  I wonder if any
  (_)(_)        of the boss's dirty cartoons made it

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:21, from:, red
FS >> Not to mention some of those that you've made in your fights
against Krogg... ("cattack"...)

Falu creature 6 Oct. 21:22, from:, orange
VK >> The dangerous falukorv isn't visible...

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:23, from:, red
JRO >> But you might change from one post to the next and start talking
to FS (or to that other guy who was here just before you came in, or
somebody else who might show up at any moment...).

FS >> You are digging in the dirty archives? See if you find any stuff
by "JRO" there...

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:23, from:, black
    (oo)   No, this is really me.  I'm here+now.
   //~~\\  The boss ever tries to cut or paste me,
   \\__//  and I'll zap his ass with a ray gun.  

Tired creature 6 Oct. 21:23, from:, orange
VK >> Krogg made his dirty self portrait himself... I just used it.

Hungry creature 6 Oct. 21:24, from:, orange
VK >> I've looked enough in those dirty archives, my old and weak heart
can't take it anymore.

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:25, from:, black
   (oo)   Probable that you won't find anything of the
  //~~\\  boss's in no archive.  Seems most of the
  \\__//  sonsabitches don't like him, much.  

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:25, from:, red
FS >> No, but it is suggested in such a way that it would be cut out
of an American tv program as being "inappropriate"...  :P


FS 17 Jul. 23:14, from:, blue

Maija >> Remember to:

     _.--(_c  --- never moon
    /      \       a werewolf
   /__ __   )
  //  Y  \  \
  Y   o   T\/\
 /(   !   ) ) )
( |`-/w\-'|/ /
 \|""|U|""| /
  |""| |""|/
  \       /
  (  .^.  )
  (  ) (  )
  (__) (__)
  :__; :__;


VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:27, from:, red
FS >> What about this one?

  /\/\    help!!!!              (woooooooooooooooooooow) 
 (  oo)                         ||\\\   ||@@  ,,,,   .--. 
  \ >v<                        OO \\\\ OO @@@OO ::: OO   ) 
  _| |.,                       <_,@\\\<_,@@@<_,::::<_,c (
 (      )             __.--.    \ _\\\ \ _@@@\ _::' \ _ |
 | \.\.  \        _.-'  (  o\   [(  )| [(  )| [(  ) [(  )|
 \\ \  |\ \   _.-'       \   |  ||  || ||  || ||  | ||  || 
  \\ \ | \_>-'        ___.>-'   |<  >| |<  >| |<  > |<  >|
   L\ \.-'_)    __.--'      ____#| /##_#| /##_#| /#_#| /##
   | \(   \ _.-'           (____#(_)(__#(_)(__#(_)(_#(_) )
   \ /`._.-'                    #   |  #   |  #   | #   |  
    L     )                      \  |   \  |   \  |  \  |    
    )\___/|                      (  J   (  J   (  J  (  J   
   / /  | |                      |  \   |  \   |  \  |  \     
  / /   \ J_                   __|  / __|  / __|  /__|  /             
 / J     L__)                 <_____)<_____)<_____)_____)  

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:28, from:, red
JRO >> The archive in question is hidden in the deep depths of my
account here at school...

Hungry creature 6 Oct. 21:28, from:, orange
VK >> If I remember correctly, you did give me a "hand" on that one.

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:29, from:, black
   (oo)(\ Look, guys: the boss don't want to see no nude ascii.
  //~~\// Send real pictures. You think he'd date some stick
  \\__\/  and dot and paranthesis woman?  She's be useless to him,
  (//\\   if she couldn't mop and cook and clean, and chase kids,
  // //   and........

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:31, from:, red
FS >> Yes, but that hand was all I did in that picture! :D:D:D

JRO >> No, the boss doesn't want to see no nude ascii. The boss wants
to make lots of new nude ascii pictures to tease the troll in aaa.  =)

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:32, from:, red
            __|_(__)    ( Look, fellers, I don't )
           /\   \oo/     ( care if you are from  )
          / |____\/     ( Mexico.  That's my cow, )
            ||  ||      ( an' you rustlers better )
            ^^  ^^       ( better put her down! )
                                 ___   /
   __            ___            /___\ /
  /  |          |   | __    ___/_____\___   __
 |   |          |   | ||      (|||||||)    |  |
 /   \          |   | ||     __\_____/__   |  |
/     \_________|   |_||____/...........\__|  |__
         '\__/'  '\__/'    |..|.......|..|
          (oo)    (oo)     |..|.......|../
JRO      //~~\\  //~~\\    |..|.......|./
 .   '   \\__/\\ \\__//    |..UUUUUUUUU_)
         [|||| ""'/||\'    /_\|\_/ \_/| /   .
          ||||    ||||     \\\|   |   |/
         (_)(_)  (_)(_)       |   |   |  .
 .   '  .     .    `  .       |   |   |    '
                              |   |   |  .
 .   .   '   `   .     .      |___|___|
.        '       `       .   (___) (___)  .

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:32, from:, red
           ( @ @ )
           _\ _ /_
          / \\_// \
         |   \_/   |
         | |  . *| |
         | |  .  | |
         |_|_____|_|      ( I said, sheriff, that )
         / \__8__/ \      ( Xgnzt and I rode our )
        )\\\     ///      ( zorbitz here from  )
         \ |  |  |        ( France. If you don't )
JRO       \|  |  |        ( like our looks, then )
 .   '     |  |  |   .  ' ( you kin jus' draw your )
           |__|__|        ( ray gun, pardner... )
          (__) (__)                    /
                          \__/   \__/ /     .
 .   '  .     .    `  .   (__)   (__)
                         //()\\ //()\\ '
 .   .   '   `   .     . \\__// \\__//
.        '       `       '//\\) '//\\)  .
                          \\//   \\//
  .  '    `  .     '     (_)(_) (_)(_)   ' .

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:32, from:, black
    (xx)   Actual, though, if you'd ever seen the boss's wife,
   //~~\\  -- wow -- .  He don't really need no girlfreinds.

Hungry creature 6 Oct. 21:33, from:, orange
VK >> I think the hand being there was the reason for the rest (some
things are uncontrollable)

VK [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:33, from:, red
[No, the JRO pictures are not in the dirty archive - they are in the
cartoons archive!]

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:33, from:, black

     You have ideas about tormenting poor peterasshole?

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:34, from:, red
FS >> :D:D::D:D

                                   /\        )
   *                  *           // \_              *
               /\                ||    \  _
 *          /\/  \      *        |` ~   \/ \
           //  `  \              ||   ~  \ `\     *
          //  .    \            ///  .  \ \ ~\
 ________///    ^ . \__________////    \   \  \__________
            __   .     .     .     ~            ~    .
   .       //\\                    .        __   .     ~
    .            _<(=O=)>  /-/                   ~
                /- '-.-'-\/-/   "Okay, Tom -- It could be an
  ~     .      /-/|- - -|\_/     intelligent creature. But
               \-\|- - -|        I KNOW I am, and I'm about
       __      (/\)- - -\        to get the hell out of here,
      //\\      /-/ |-|\-\       and PROVE it!"
   .            \-\ /-/ \-\  (|  _ /   _          ___    ~
          _     ;;_\;;; /_;;  \\(_)   (_)    .   /   \     .
_________| \___________________\( )\_/( )\______/     \(-______
jro                             |=|\)\|=|/    ______|__/       .
   ~        ____        .       |||   |||    /__|_______]
     .     //||\\               [|]   [|]    (o)     (o)
    .      .       .     ~              .    """     """

                      Jonathon R. Oglesbee

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:35, from:, red
JRO >> Sorry, no ideas...  :-/
(I have officially killfiled him - and made him FEEL it. The result?
He hasn't bothered me personally in a long time...)

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:36, from:, red
JRO >> One idea that I tried a while ago was to try to start a new
ON-TOPIC thread similar to the tie-fighter one, to try to "drown" PC
in on-topic "anti-spam"... It worked quite well for a couple of days...  :)

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:37, from:, black
     (oo)   Methinks you poor Earthlings should learn to keep
    //~~\\  your hands to other people; not yourselves.  If
    \\__//  sitting at the computation device, keeping one's
     ||||   hands busy at anything but the keyboard is your
     ||||   cup of plutonium, then it would probably be better
    (_)(_)  to find other entertainment.

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:37, from:, red
            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
       ___||     ||||==||_________
jro   /   ||_____||||__||         /
     /    /_______\/|__|/        /\
    /     _________             /
   /     /=========/           /
  /   \__/___\__/_/           /
 /____(  )___(  )____________/
 //  //~~\\ //~~\\         \\
//   \\__// \\__//  \       \\
      //\\   //\\    \
      ||||   ||||  "So, Vzxall, what is this
     (_)(_) (_)(_) example of Earth technology?"


            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
"This device is the primitive Earth
protoplasm beings' idea of a "computer"."
  \  /    /_______\/|__|/        /\
   \/     _________             /
   /\    /=========/           /
  /   \__/___\__/_/           /jro
 /____(  )___(  )____________/
 //  //~~\\ //~~\\         \\
//   \\__// \\__//          \\
      //\\   //\\
      ||||   ||||
     (_)(_) (_)(_)


            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
       ___||     ||||==||_________
      /   ||_____||||__||         /
jro  /    /_______\/|__|/        /\
    /     _________             /
   /     /=========/           /
  /   \__/___\__/_/           /
 /____(  )___(  )____________/
 //  //~~\\ //~~\\         \\
//   \\__// \\__//  \       \\
      //\\   //\\    "Excellent! With this, we
      ||||   ||||    should be able to interpret
     (_)(_) (_)(_) their entire planetary network!"


            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
       ___||     ||||==||__________
      /   ||_____||||__||         /
jro  /    /_______\/|__|/        /\
    /     _________             /
   /     //}=======/           /
  /   \__/\\_\__/_/           /
 /____(  )//_(  )____________/
 //  //~~ / //~~\\         \\
//   \\__/  \\__// \        \\
      //\\   //\\   \
      ||||   |||| "Turn the device on."
     (_)(_) (_)(_)


            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
       ___||     ||||==||_________
      /   ||_____||||__||         /
jro  /    /_______\/|__|/        /\
    /     _________             /
   /     /=========/           /
  /   \__/___\__/_/           /
 /____(  )___(  )____________/
 //  //~~\\ //~~\\         \\
//   \\__// \\__//  \       \\
      //\\   //\\    \
      ||||   |||| "Ah, yes! Their News Exchange.
     (_)(_) (_)(_) Now we will learn all they know!"


            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
"What is this information, Wcxliz? It
does not appear to be News, at all."
  \  /    /_______\/|__|/        /\
   \/     _________             /
   /\    /=========/           /
  /   \__/___\__/_/           /
 /____(  )___(  )____________/
 //  //~~\\ //~~\\         \\
//   \\__// \\__//       jro\\
      //\\   //\\
      ||||   ||||
     (_)(_) (_)(_)


            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
       ___||     ||||==||_________
      /   ||_____||||__||         /
jro  /    /_______\/|__|/        /\
    /     _________             /
   /     /=========/           /
  /   \__/___\__/_/           /
 /____(  )___(  )____________/
 //  //~~\\ //~~\\         \\
//   \\__// \\__//  \       \\
      //\\   //\\    \
      ||||   ||||  "It says... "This is not a scam,
     (_)(_) (_)(_)  send $5 and make $50,000 in one
                    week, guaranteed."


            _______ /__/|
           /_____ /||  ||
          ||     ||||[]||
       ___||     ||||==||_________
"Hhmmmm..... Foiled again!  These dastardly
Terran Earth proto-beings have encoded all
vital information behind some MLM garbage!"
    \    /=========/           /
  /   \__/___\__/_/           /
 //  //~~\\ //~~\\         \\
//   \\__// \\__//      jro \\
      //\\   //\\
      ||||   ||||
     (_)(_) (_)(_)

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:38, from:, red
JRO >> I have NO idea of what you are talking about!  ;)

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:38, from:, red
                             _______     |\
                            |License|    | \
  _____                     | ~~*~~ |    |  \
 |     |  (((        .--.   |_______|    |
 |DrJRO| ~OvO~ __   (////)               |
 |     | ( _ )|==|   \__/                |
 |o    |  \_/ |_.|  /    \   _______     |
 |     | //|\\   \\//|  |\\  |__o__|     |
 |   __|//\_/\\ __\/ |__|//  |__o__|     |
 |  |==""//=\\""====|||||    |__o__|     |
    ||  (_) (_)    ||||||                \
    []             [(_)(_)

There's no denying the facts, Mr. Geekowski.
You can read the laboratory report, yourself.
You have the worst case of cybersyphilis that
I have ever seen. I will have to have a list
of all the websites you have had contact with.

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:39, from:, red
      /  ___\           ))((((
     /  / oo           ))(((())
     \_(   _)         (/- -)))))
       \  -/          (\^  )))))
       /   \          ((\O ))))))
      | | | \         ((*==\(((((
      | | | |          / /\ \))))
      | | | |         ( (  \ \
      | | | |           \  / /
      / | | |           / / /
      \ / \ /------(\  / / )\
       |///|-------(/  |V\\\ )
jro    |   |_)         ||   /
       |   |           ||  |
       |   |           ((  |
       |   |           ||  |
       |   |           ||__|
       (___ooO        <<__/\\

"Charlie, when I said that a large
penis would really be exciting, I
meant it.  I had intended to survive
the experience, however."

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:40, from:, black
   \__/ ___
   (__)(===\- + + + + + + + + `ZzapP!`
  //  \//
  \\__\/      Poor Pete.  If he bothers the boss again, I may have
   //\\       to use this new ray-gun on him.  Or re-run the "Pete's
  // //       Brain Operation" cartoons....

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:41, from:, red
"Hey Slick, are you hungry?"
        \        ______________
   -     \      | EAT AT JOE'S |
  ________  -   |______________| -
          |        ||      ||
      /^\ | /^\  - ||      ||
     /OO \ /OO \   ||      ||   -
    (_____(_____)  ||      ||
     |   | |   |   ||======||
     |   | |   |-  ||      || -
  ___|   | |   |   ||      ||    -
  ___|   |_|   |___||______||____
   _/ / \_/ / \ \


"Not really, Dick."
   \     __________________
  - \   |                  |
      /^\   /^\            |
     /OO \ /OO \           |   -
    (_____(_____)          |
   - |   | |   |           |
     |   | |   |           |-
     |   |_|   |___________|
  ___|   |_|   |_______________
   _/ / \_/ / \ \


____________   "Want to do some
FREDRICK'S  |     shopping?"
____________|         \
||       ||            \     -
||       ||  -    /^\   /^\
||       ||      /OO \ /OO \
||       ||     (_____(_____)
||=======||      |   | |   |
||       ||-     |   | |   |
||       ||      |   | |   | -
||_______||______|   |_|   |__
               _/ / \_/ / \ \


"Nah, maybe later."      -   | FRE
    \ __________________     |____
   - \                  |     ||
    |  /^\   /^\        |     ||
    | /OO \ /OO \       |   - ||
    |(_____(_____)      |     ||
   -| |   | |   |       |     ||==
    | |   | |   |       |-    ||
    |_|   |_|   |_______|     ||
  ____|   |_|   |_____________||_
    _/ / \_/ / \ \


-       -     "I know! Let's go
____________   in here, and get
  GAY BAR   | -  shit-faced!"
____________|         \
||       ||     -      \
||       ||       /^\   /^\  -
||       ||      /OO \ /OO \
||       ||-    (_____(_____)
||=======||   -  |   | |   |
||       ||      |   | |   | -
||       ||  -   |   | |   |
||_______||______|   |_|   |__
               _/ / \_/ / \ \


Jonathon R. Oglesbee

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:42, from:, red
[Yes, I do find a lot of "JRO" material in the archives...]

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:42, from:, black

       Was just talking about people who "love" their computers too much.  Tons of them them on the net.  Some of them seem to love dogs, cats --- once I even linked to a picture of someone trying to 

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:43, from:, red
JRO >> Hit "back", repair that message, and hit "send/refresh" again...

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:44, from:, red
(Why do I suddenly think of this picture? )

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:44, from:, black
   \__/      EGAD!!!! You mean the boss made all that filth?
  \ \/ /

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:46, from:, red
JRO >> If you scroll right you'll see that the message gets cut after
200 characters when it is that wide. It ends like this: a picture of someone trying to [ 8< brutal cut! 8< ]

(yes, I am now extremely curious to read what that someone was trying
to do... so please do hit back until you find the message, fix it and

JRO [email] 6 Oct. 21:46, from:, black
      \__/         I think not, guys.  You don't really want to know  
      (oo) /)      about linking into a picture of someone trying to
     //~~\//       mate with a shark, do you?

VK (hungry too!) [email] [home] 6 Oct. 21:47, from:, red
JRO >> Do you still have the URL?  :D:D:D:D

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