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Latest update 2009-07-07

Fixed all the broken links.

Latest update 2008-06-14

Looks like it wasn't such a big problem to find a job afterall. I applied for a job at Combitech AB on monday, got a phonecall from them at tuesday and had the first interview on wednesday and the second interview on thursday for Ericsson through Combitech AB. The good people at Combitech AB called me the next day and offered me the job. I'll start the 25th of August :). So today I don't feel that sad about the IBM Toronto Lab job I was offered last month but didn't get because I couldn't make it to the recruiting calender for May. I do miss my homies in Toronto though :(.

Latest update 2008-06-03

Finished my masters some time ago and moved to Stockholm from Luleå recently. From today, I will start to hunt for a job somewhere in Stockholm so I can finally start paying back my non-ending student loan. So if you are reading this, please click on the 'about me -> cv' link and drop me an email if you have a job opening for me.

Latest update 2007-06-01

Hi and welcome to my own personal website on the world wide web. My name is Samuel Gabrielsson, a 27 year old student born and raised in beautiful Sweden. I am currently in Canada and working at the University of Toronto thanks to IAESTE Luelå. I will be back home in Sweden, Luleå the 19th of July 2007 to enjoy the Swedish summer.

I'm still working on updating this site, although with painfully slow speed because I lack the time. Some of the links may not work for the moment so feel free to try again later.

Contact Information

  • Mailing Address:
    Samuel Gabrielsson
    Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
    University of Toronto
    5 King's College Rd.
    Toronto, ON M5S 3G8
  • E-mail:
    samuel "at" mie.utoronto.ca
  • Phone Number:
    Work (Toronto Intelligent Decision Engineering Lab):
    +1 416 946 0110

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